Browsing: Camping

Camping can be a great way to get closer to your family in every sense of the word.  You’ll be able to roast marshmallows over a roaring fire, huddle together for some stargazing and finally snuggle up in your tent at the end of the night.  You can invite a few friends to join you, plan an entire weekend around your favorite hike or wine tasting festival, or just get away from the hustle and …

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With the first snow fall of winter approaching, who can resist that fresh blanket of snow for a frosty adventure? But far beyond traditional snowman building, skiing or snowboarding is the ultimate snow adventure – staying in a snow palace crafted from slabs of ice, packed with igloo guest rooms and illuminated ice sculptures. Most of the best snow hotels are located in Europe and offer a tranquil arctic experience that you will never

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“What do you think of Colombia?” my husband asked. Colombia? We were searching for a way to get to South America from the States, and round-trip flights to the most popular destinations — Argentina, Peru, Chile — were surprisingly expensive. Colombia, on the other hand, was half the cost of those routes, and schedules typically involve a stop in Miami before heading to Bogota, an easy three-and-a-half-hour flight. “Sure!” I quickly agreed.

We spent one …

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It’s always fun to come back from a trip with incredible stories — not only for the fond memories, but also (of course) to be able to leave your friends and family in awe of all the exciting details. Exaggeration won’t even be necessary if you decide to partake in any of the following excursions that are possible in Iceland, because they are already so unbelievable as they are. You may even need to somehow …

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Hostels sometimes used to be thought of as dingy, crowded, last-resort lodging that was only for hippies, students, random backpackers and possibly criminals — and perhaps that is the impression that some people still have of them. That old stereotype is completely outdated in the many shiny and modern new hostels that have been popping up around Europe lately and competing with one another for a chunk of a highly coveted market. Hostels cater to …

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With the US Presidential election just a little over one year away, New Hampshire residents once again get the unique chance to meet most – if not all – of the hopeful candidates face-to-face.  If you’d like to shake hands with future world leaders while touring a quintessential New England state, this fall is the perfect time to visit New Hampshire.

New Hampshire is among the smallest states both geographically and in population, with only …

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National journalist Charles Kuralt once said, ” Thanks to the Interstate Highway System, it is now possible to travel across the country from coast to coast without seeing anything. ”

While US highways provide an undeniably efficient method of travel, it’s true that unless you journey off the beaten path, you may never see the amazing natural wonders found in the United States of America. Camping is widely known as one of the best …

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