Author: Ralph Grizzle
Editor of Avid Cruiser, Ralph Grizzle began his journalistic career at the age of 32, following the conclusion of his “sabbatical decade.” From 1980 through 1990, Ralph bicycled across America, pedaled through Europe and island-hopped the South Pacific. After backpacking through Bali, bussing through Java, hopping a boat to Singapore and crossing Malaysia to Thailand, he flew into Burma, tramped to Dhaka and endured a 32-hour train ride from calamitous Calcutta to bustling Bombay. From there, he hopped a plane for Greece and traveled to Switzerland before returning home, where he settled, quite naturally, into a career of travel writing. Ralph is the author of four books, including “Remembering Charles Kuralt,” a biography that Publisher’s Weekly called “a sweet and lovely homage, a welcome commemoration.”