Browsing: Slow Travel

Ushuaia, known as the city at the end of the world, is situated at the southern-most tip of Argentina and is famous for being the gateway to Antarctica. Most people make tracks to the far-flung city to join one of the cruises which sail across Drake Passage and explore the vast frozen continent. Even if you aren’t lucky enough to be taking a cruise, Ushuaia is worthy of a visit – as I recently discovered …

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Do research. Plan trip. Get on plane, train, or in an automobile. Spend hours, sometimes days, in transit. Get to XYZ amazing destination and immediately begin thinking about how to have the best Instagram posts, take the most amazing photos and use all the amenities at your hotel.

Unfortunately, the stress of getting to a destination, along with the pressure to make the most of it and document every moment, can cause a traveler to …

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I recently returned from a trip to Anchorage, and while I was there, I was struck by the local concern for the well-being of the indigenous community and local economies. I have seen those same concerns expressed to an even greater degree by native Hawaiian travel advocates. At a time when our planet and its cultures are as accessible as they are vulnerable, the importance of traveling responsibly has to be taken seriously.

“Responsible travel” …

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It was Sri Lanka that changed the way I travel.

I can’t remember where I was on the island when the realization came, and that was precisely the problem. Every town was blurring into the next, and I was wasting half my time in hotel foyers checking in or out, or on buses moving from one site to the next.

Don’t ask me what Sri Lanka is like because I have no idea. I don’t …

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